Pretty, Fizzy Paradise

I'm back! And reading! And maybe even blogging! No promises!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Rejected PFP Blog Post:

In an ideal world, there would be a post in this location. An essay maybe, a silly realization, or possibly a silly or interesting image.

Sadly, there is nothing. I'm drawing a complete blank today. I blog stream of consciousness and this stream's run dry.

It's been a long week.

However, I might have something for you.

You see, my blog posts are very rarely the first topics that *actually* come to mind. Usually there's something else. Something so incredibly ludicrous that even I can't bring myself to actually write it.

So here's my new feature. On those days in which I draw an absolute blank on anything else to write/post, (this happens very frequently actually) I will reveal a blog post that I did consider, but rejected as too silly for Pretty, Fizzy Paradise.

(Just realize that considering my Guy Gardner is a woman essay actually *made* the cut...)

Anyway, today's Rejected PFP Blog Post:

"It's all Greek to Me: Xanadu as a Retelling o Wonder Woman...with Roller Skates!"



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